Too Smart Guys Latest Shows

Monday, October 30, 2006

CommuteCast Episode 13

Unscripted and uncensored
- New show music?
- Complex computer software
- Simplified computer software
- Wi-Fry your brain?
- Wi-Fi Shootout
- Wireless USB
- Wireless Power
- Microwaves
- And More
26 min.

Download the MP3

Saturday, October 28, 2006

CommuteCast Episode 12

- 2.71 Custom Firmware SE-B
- Podcasts comparison to PBS
- Windows Vista Upgrade Coupon
- Podcasts comparison to PBS
- Adapter Lets Any Car Use Ethanol
- Sony’s BDP-S1 has been delayed
- 3D Games Peaked?
- Adobe taking over the world
- E-bay Rules on PS3/Wii Auctions
- The Myth of 1080p
- Drastic Wyoming weather
- Intel Core 2 Quad
- And More
49 min.

Download the MP3

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

CommuteCast Episode 10

- Tom Tom GPS
- Sam and Max
- TellTale
- Game Tap
- 1080i on PS2
- DS incresses US game sales
- Virus on McDonalds MP3 players
- Cyper Terrorism
- Jack Tompson buys stock in Take 2
- PS3 Games over fill 25GB blueray
- New Sony Core2 Duo BlueRay Laptop
- Sony's Faild Media types

*Commute Cast Warning*
"This is just a recording of Me and Ragable's Drive back from work and nothing more, Do Not expect any useful information. Just jump inside our heads for about a half an hour and hope you survive the train wreck that is the commute cast" - Pox

46 min.
Download the MP3

Thursday, October 05, 2006